Tuesday, November 5, 2013


ok it time to talk about fall dos & don'ts. there is a lot of y'all walk around just throw any thing together a say it fall fashion. I'm here to be really with you it not honey but i'm here to help the first thing that we are going to get on is the color you are to wear
this are the color you are to wear. There is a report that this color will effect with you mood & your help. plus they are the color of fall & everyone know during fall everyone one just feels so different. 
This is the report i was talk about the one that has the meaning of this sorting type of color & why the are so perfect to be fall colors. so the report says that the colors emerald has an elegance & has a sparkle to it color . so if you want to you should read it  & find you a nice outfit with one of this colors. So ok now it time to see outfits ideas with this beautiful color. So next time you go out you will not look like a fashion mistake just wait to blow up. Instead you look like the hots thing in the cold fall time with your nice warm colors. 
in this outfit the use that nice koi color & that deep lichen green. the jean jacket is a nice touch to this fall colored outfit idea that i just love so much.
so in this outfit the use that nice emerald color & the white help bring the color of this outfit out. the chunk chain is in style know & it gave it a more hip look to it. plus remember you never go wrong with heels in the fall time because is i said once before keep it classic no matter what  time of the year it is. so stay classic, plus tune in tomorrow when i saw you the right way to wear your hair in the fall.